Enit Karafili Steiner, born in Tirana, has been living in Switzerland for more than 20 years. She holds a PhD in English from UCLA and the University of Zurich. She is an assistant professor at the University of Lausanne and the author of several books and academic articles in English literature. Her first novel Soil of Honey (“Tokëmjalta”) (Botime Pegi, 2015), was welcomed by the Albanian reader. She is a Senior Lecturer in 18th-century and 19th-Century Literature at the English Department at Unil in 2018. From 2013-2018 she was a lecturer there. Her second novel, Of Gifts and Violence (Dhunë e Dhunti) was published in 2017. And her third novel intimate epic (epope intime) was published in 2024.

Tokëmjalta - Soil Of Honey
Soil Of Honey is a story follows a law student who becomes enamored with his Albanian-German neighbor, recently repatriated after two decades abroad. His fascination leads him to confront his own family’s connection to two love stories: one from the brink of the collapse of Communist Albania’s relations with Russia, and another in the early ’90s. As he navigates his emotions, the novel examines the influence of history on personal choices, love, and the burden of the past. …

Dhunë e dhunti - Of Gifts and Violence
There must have been a crime in the house on Hermosa Beach, Los Angeles. There could have been. The wife could have done it. This doubt haunts the philosophy professor Miljan Toska, the twin brother of the dead man. Arriving in Los Angeles for the reading of his brother’s testament, Toska revisits the house where the alleged crime occurred and, where years ago, he fell for Tesa, his brother’s wife, now widow. The scramble for truth sends the living on a backward journey that must traverse their past as migrants from a little speck of land named Albania to the turbid New World of the United States. …

Epope intime
A family saga that transcends time and physical boundaries, a love that spans old and new eras to transform into something else, but never to be forgotten. Marla and Marini are cousins ”sinfully” connected to each other, they leave the Albania of 1995. He turns his back on his homeland, while she doesn’t want to go away; he studies aviation in Malta, she chooses sociology on another island. Before they part, they promise that no one and nothing will diminish the love that has bound them since childhood, because they will keep it intact. Time passes, but some dreams still resemble those of two decades ago and they, now far from each other, ask themselves: “Have we kept our promise?” Their story invites you to seek the answer in two lives that unfold from adolescence to maturity, between East and West, loves and hostages. This book conveys sparks from the spirit of the Albanian transition, recounting failures and triumphs, as they live on in two people in love, separated and connected like the letters of an epic. …